var QRreplyButton; var mydragg = function() { return { move: function(divid, xpos, ypos) { = xpos + 'px'; = ypos + 'px'; }, startMoving: function(divid, container, evt) { divid = document.getElementById('quick-reply'); evt = evt || window.event; var posX = evt.clientX, posY = evt.clientY, divTop =, divLeft =, eWi = parseInt(, eHe = parseInt(, cWi = parseInt(document.getElementById(container).style.width), cHe = parseInt(document.getElementById(container).style.height); document.getElementById(container).style.cursor = 'move'; divTop = divTop.replace('px', ''); divLeft = divLeft.replace('px', ''); var diffX = (window.innerWidth - posX) - divLeft, diffY = posY - divTop; document.onmousemove = function(evt) { evt = evt || window.event; var posX = evt.clientX, posY = evt.clientY, aX = (window.innerWidth - posX) - diffX, aY = posY - diffY; if (aX < 0) aX = 0; if (aY < 0) aY = 0; if (aX + eWi > cWi) aX = cWi - eWi; if (aY + eHe > cHe) aY = cHe - eHe; mydragg.move(divid, aX, aY); } }, stopMoving: function(container) { var a = document.createElement('script'); document.getElementById(container).style.cursor = 'default'; document.onmousemove = function() {} }, } }(); var toggle_qr_enabled = function () { if(check_if_qr_enabled() == true) { console.log('Disabling QR'); localStorage.setItem("disableqr", 'true'); } else { console.log('Enabling QR'); localStorage.removeItem("disableqr"); } } var check_if_qr_enabled = function() { // Check Localstorage var loc = ''; loc = localStorage.getItem("disableqr"); if (loc != '' && loc != null) { // Localstorage set return false; } return true; } var should_show_qr = check_if_qr_enabled(); var add_quick_reply_quote = function(quote) { if (typeof(window.show_quick_reply) == 'function' && window.should_show_qr ) { window.show_quick_reply(); //if (typeof show_quick_reply != "undefined" && should_show_qr) { //show_quick_reply(); } else { return; } var qrBody=document.getElementById('qrbody'); if (qrBody==null) { return; } /* var selectedText=window.getSelection(); if (selectedText!='') { document.getElementById('qrbody').value += '>' + selectedText + '\n'; } */ var textToAdd=">>"+quote+'\n' +replace_reply_quote(window.getSelection().toString()); //console.log('textToAdd', textToAdd); //document.getElementById('qrbody').value+='>>'+quote+'\n'; // make sure it ends with a newline if (textToAdd[textToAdd.length-1]!=='\n') { textToAdd=textToAdd+'\n'; } var insertPos=0; if (qrBody.selectionDirection==='forward') { insertPos=qrBody.selectionEnd; } else { insertPos=qrBody.selectionStart; } // slice new text in qrBody.value=qrBody.value.substring(0, insertPos)+textToAdd+ qrBody.value.substring(insertPos); } var replace_reply_quote = function( text ) { var v = text.split('\n'); if ( 0 === v.length ) { return text; }; var idx = 0, len = v.length; var q = ">"; if ( 0 === v[ v.length - 1 ].length ) { len = len - 1; /* no quote empty line at the last. */ }; for (; idx < len ; ++idx ) { if (null !== v[ idx ].match(/^(?:>>?[0-9]+|>>>?\/\w+\/\d*)/)) { /* matches with starts with ">>50" , ">>>/cancer/" , ">>>/cancer/50" , ">50" , ">>/cancer/" , ">>/cancer/50" */ /* space is put so as to keeps link quoting format and non-link quoting format. */ q = "> "; break; }; }; for( idx = 0; idx < len ; ++idx ) { v[ idx ] = q + v[ idx ]; }; return v.join('\n'); }; var show_quick_reply = function() { var captcha = false; var flags = false; if (document.getElementById('quick-reply') !== null) return; if (document.getElementById('captchaDiv') !== null) captcha = true; if (document.getElementById('flagsDiv') !== null) flags = true; var QRshowname = document.getElementById('fieldName'); var boardName = document.getElementById('boardIdentifier').value; var threadNum = document.getElementById('threadIdentifier').value; var qrhtml = '
'; var qrname = ''; var qrmsg = '
×Quick Reply
Drag files to upload or click here to select them
'; var qrcaptcha = ''; var closinghtml = '
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// Sync it document.getElementById('fieldCaptcha').addEventListener('keyup', function (e) { document.getElementById('QRfieldCaptcha').checked = document.getElementById('fieldCaptcha').checked; }); // And the other way around document.getElementById('QRfieldCaptcha').addEventListener('keyup', function (e) { document.getElementById('fieldCaptcha').checked = document.getElementById('QRfieldCaptcha').checked; });*/ } // And the other way around document.getElementById('qremail').addEventListener('keyup', function(e) { document.getElementById('fieldEmail').value = document.getElementById('qremail').value; }); document.getElementById('qrsubject').addEventListener('keyup', function(e) { document.getElementById('fieldSubject').value = document.getElementById('qrsubject').value; }); document.getElementById('qrbody').addEventListener('keyup', function(e) { document.getElementById('fieldMessage').value = document.getElementById('qrbody').value; }); document.getElementById('qrpassword').addEventListener('keyup', function(e) { document.getElementById('fieldPostingPassword').value = document.getElementById('qrpassword').value; }); document.getElementById('qrcheckboxSpoiler').addEventListener('change', function(e) { document.getElementById('checkboxSpoiler').checked = document.getElementById('qrcheckboxSpoiler').checked; }); //Set QR reply button QRreplyButton = document.getElementById('qrbutton'); setDragAndDrop(true); for (var i = 0; i < selectedDiv.childNodes.length; i++) { var originalCell = selectedDiv.childNodes[i]; var clonedCell = originalCell.cloneNode(true); clonedCell.getElementsByClassName('removeButton')[0].onclick = originalCell.getElementsByClassName('removeButton')[0].onclick; selectedDivQr.appendChild(clonedCell); } }; function QRreloadCaptcha() { document.cookie = 'captchaid=; path=/;'; reloadCaptcha(); /* if (document.getElementById('QRcaptchaDiv')) { document.getElementById('QRcaptchaImage').src = '/captcha.js?d=' + new Date().toString(); } document.getElementById('captchaImageReport').src = '/captcha.js?d=' + new Date().toString(); */ } var QRreplyCallback = function(status, data) { //console.log('QRreplyCallback', status, data) if (status === 'ok') { var myPosts=getMyPosts() //console.log('pushing data', data, 'onto', myPosts) myPosts.push({ b: boardUri, p: data }) var days=365*10; // remember this settings for 10 years setSetting('myPosts', JSON.stringify(myPosts), days) clearSelectedFiles(); var elem elem=document.getElementById('qrbody') if (elem) elem.value = ''; elem=document.getElementById('fieldMessage') if (elem) elem.value = ''; elem=document.getElementById('qrsubject') if (elem) elem.value = ''; elem=document.getElementById('fieldSubject') if (elem) elem.value = ''; QRreloadCaptcha(); setTimeout(function() { refreshPosts(); }, 2000); } else { alert(status + ': ' + JSON.stringify(data)); } }; QRreplyCallback.stop = function() { replyButton.innerHTML = originalButtonText; QRreplyButton.innerHTML = originalButtonText; replyButton.disabled = false; QRreplyButton.disabled = false; if (!hiddenCaptcha) { QRreloadCaptcha(); document.getElementById('fieldCaptcha').value = ''; document.getElementById('QRfieldCaptcha').value = ''; } }; QRreplyCallback.progress = function(info) { if (info.lengthComputable) { var newText = 'Uploading ' + Math.floor((info.loaded / * 100) + '%'; replyButton.innerHTML = newText; QRreplyButton.innerHTML = newText; } }; function QRsendReplyData(files, captchaId) { var forcedAnon = !document.getElementById('qrname'); var hiddenFlags = !document.getElementById('QRflagsDiv'); var selectedFlag if (!hiddenFlags) { var combo = document.getElementById('flagCombobox'); // last50 has this element but it's not filled out if (combo.options.length) { selectedFlag = combo.options[combo.selectedIndex].value; } } if (!forcedAnon) { var typedName = document.getElementById('qrname').value.trim(); } var typedEmail = document.getElementById('qremail').value.trim(); var typedMessage = document.getElementById('qrbody').value.trim(); var typedSubject = document.getElementById('qrsubject').value.trim(); var typedPassword = document.getElementById('qrpassword').value .trim(); var threadId = document.getElementById('threadIdentifier').value; if (!typedMessage.length && !files.length) { alert('A message or a file is mandatory.'); return; } else if (!forcedAnon && typedName.length > 32) { alert('Name is too long, keep it under 32 characters.'); return; } else if (typedMessage.length > 4096) { alert('Message is too long, keep it under 4096 characters.'); return; } else if (typedEmail.length > 64) { alert('E-mail is too long, keep it under 64 characters.'); return; } else if (typedSubject.length > 128) { alert('Subject is too long, keep it under 128 characters.'); return; } else if (typedPassword.length > 8) { alert('Password is too long, keep it under 8 characters.'); return; } if (typedPassword.length) { savePassword(typedPassword); } originalButtonText = replyButton.innerHTML; replyButton.innerHTML = 'Uploading 0%'; QRreplyButton.innerHTML = 'Uploading 0%'; replyButton.disabled = true; QRreplyButton.disabled = true; console.log('files', files) apiRequest('replyThread', { name: forcedAnon ? null : typedName, flag: hiddenFlags ? null : selectedFlag, captcha: captchaId, subject: typedSubject, spoiler: document.getElementById('qrcheckboxSpoiler').checked, password: typedPassword, message: typedMessage, email: typedEmail, files: files, boardUri: boardUri, quickReply: true, threadId: threadId }, QRreplyCallback); } function QRprocessFilesToPost(captchaId) { getFilestToUpload(function gotFiles(files) { QRsendReplyData(files, captchaId); }); } function handleQR() { //console.log("aborting form post") //QRpostReply(); return false; } function QRpostReply() { if (hiddenCaptcha) { QRprocessFilesToPost(); } else { var typedCaptcha = document.getElementById('QRfieldCaptcha').value.trim(); /* if (typedCaptcha.length !== 6 && typedCaptcha.length !== 24) { //alert('Captchas are exactly 6 (24 if no cookies) characters long.'); return; } else if (/\W/.test(typedCaptcha)) { alert('Invalid captcha.'); return; } */ var parsedCookies = getCookies(); apiRequest('solveCaptcha', { captchaId: parsedCookies.captchaid, answer: typedCaptcha }, function solvedCaptcha(status, data) { QRprocessFilesToPost(parsedCookies.captchaid); }); } }